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Location : Learn More About TeleContact >>Reporting and Analysis
Reporting and Analysis
Agent Reports Agent-wise reports can be created for both inbound and outbound calls. Agent performance can be monitored by creating reports on number of calls handled by an agent and the average talk time. The total number of outbound calls made by an agent can also be measured.
Agent Group Reports The effectiveness of an agent group can be measured by creating reports categorized by agent groups. Different matrices can be measured such as number of calls handled by the group, number of calls abandoned, total number of outbound calls, average wait time for calls etc.
Time Report TeleContact helps ensure efficiency by providing relevant performance- and time-tracking reports. Reports on average wait times, percentage of answered and abandoned calls, and call volume figures (phone numbers dialed/connected/abandoned) are just some of the values that can be plotted for a specified time interval.
Graphs A graph can be plotted for each report that is created in TeleContact. Based on the figures in a report, a pie chart, bar chart or line graph can be created with a single-click action. Graphs are a valuable tool in analyzing contact center performance and making improvements.
Real-Time Statistics Supervisors can view the current statistics for a campaign, agent or agent group at any given time. The state of an agent or campaign can be monitored.

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