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2013.04.29 TeleSynergy launches the IP PBX phone recording system AboveDRS

AboveDRS is a next generation phone recording system. With AboveDRS, AbovEdge, TeleSynergy's "One Box - One Architecture" distributed IP PBX, is able to do call recording for any combination of IP extension/SIP trunk and legacy analog trunk/analog extension/PRI digital Trunk. Let system administrators get rid of complicated mirror port configuration and tapping of legacy trunk/extension.

AboveDRS records the conversation of both incoming and out going calls that can be retrieved at a later time. It is perfect for organizations, such as legal firms, customer service, insurance companies and hotel reservation, etc.., that need to have exact conversation on the phone recorded as proof or for future reference purpose.

Simple installation
AboveDRS is tightly integrated with AbovEdge. There is no complicated software configuration. Only a few simple setup steps to get it up and running.

Web-based user interface
AboveDRS provides web-based user friendly interface, user can set up /search/play/download easily. Everything is done through the Web Browser. No extra software to install.

Easy retrieval of records
Find call recordings by date, time, caller ID or recording length (duration of the call)

Remote backup
Remote storage can be used for backup of all the recordings.

Please visit for more information, or call 408-470-4700.

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