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April 15, 2009, TeleSynergy and SIP Trunk Service Provider Partners

Santa Clara, CA - April 15, 2009 - After products testing and certification, TeleSynergy has partnered with some of the best SIP Trunk service providers in Taiwan:

  • Taiwan Fixed Network :
  • Far Eastone Telecommunications :
  • Chief Telecom :

Using TeleSynergy’s AbovEdge IP PBX, our customers can get powerful PBX functions and an integrated SIP Trunk / 070 service. Our customers don’t have to worry about the complexity involved when integrating different systems to get the SIP Trunk service, and there is no extra cost for that extra VoIP gateway. The fully integrated solution we offer is cost-effective and easy to deploy with one-source support (no finger pointing between VoIP Gateway and PBX vendors).

About TeleSynergy Research Inc.
TeleSynergy is a global leader in Computer Telephony and VoIP office communication technology since 1989, when it made integrated innovations in CTI decades before the IP telephony trend. Telesynergy is also the communication systems consultant for businesses desiring to take advantage of today’s converged IP technology and the Hosted service provider. Working with phone companies and third party vendors, TeleSynergy provides one-stop communications service for the small and medium sized businesses. With multinational offices in 5 cities, clients in over 20 countries, and annual awards in over 5 telecommunication conferences, TeleSynergy is proud to be the provider of the most affordable, customizable, and scalable solution with a powerful one-source, one-architecture, one-box platform that can meet any communications needs.

Please visit for more information, or call 408-470-4700.

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Phone systems
   can be a real

Companies seeking to integrate voice, data and mobile networks are often frustrated by the hidden costs and poor overall value of their IP PBX investment.
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