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TeleSynergy launches simple, secure and affordable web conference & remote support appliance V Present2Web

Mar. 01, 2006

TeleSynergy. Research Inc. the specialist in IP communication solutions, today announced a powerful tool comprising web conference and remote support functions simultaneously- Present2Web. The product features of simple-to use, easy-to-own and secure conference provide an easy way to connect customers or colleagues anytime, anywhere, increasing productivity and raise sales volumes.

Web Meeting
Present2Web enables you to instantly link your desktop with multiple guests over the internet at the same time. Hold a conference with people in thousand miles away can be set in one minute.

Remote Support
Present2Web can rapidly reduce support costs, increase end-user productivity and enhance customer loyalty. The superior firewall traversing capability without any firewall reconfiguration by end users makes Present2Web distinguished from other web conference products in the market. Present2Web leads all size organizations to experience a rapid return on investment.

1.Increased first-call resolution rates by up to 70% and lowered repeat calls.
2.Decreased incident-handing times by up to 60%.
3.Thousands of dollars saved in reduced travel costs.

Integrating Meeting Schedule with Outlook
When scheduling a meeting, all you have to do is to select the contact persons from outlook address book, or key in invitees’ email address. Present2Web will automatically send an invitation to those selected persons.

Strong Product Features
Present2Web can assist users to schedule a meeting in advance. Small use component of only 670KB required for conference participation. In addition, it is adaptable to different connection speeds ranging from broadband to 28KB dial-up. Furthermore, it has efficient proprietary encryption for internal meeting and standard strong 128-bit SSL encryption for external meetings. Last but not least, the Present2Web also provides a considerable function of log meeting time and participant reports.

Present2Web can be used in a wide variety of web meeting and remote support applications. These include sales and marketing presentation, product demonstrations, troubleshooting, distance learning fields etc, bring huge business potential and increasing competitive advantage.

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