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Telesynergy call center system makes the ERP business of Kingmax Semiconductor Inc. grow and widespread quickly.

Nov. 11, 2005

Along with the long-term progress of the company ERP system in resent years, digitalized administration of call center in Taiwan becomes a necessary element of the use of the ERP software.

In the process of cooperating with many Industry, company, or business bloc in Taiwan, Telesynergy not only accept the upsurge of using customer administration service system but also feel the company’s urgency of promoting its competitive strength by using the call center, or IP call center, which combines CRM, ERP and SCM.

Kingmax Semiconductor Inc. (i.e. DCMS), the largest ERP software provider in China, carrying its concept of “IT serve China,” fully understand how traditional ERP satisfies the variable demands under present competitive circumstances. When understanding that changes of the society also bring changes of the company, DCMS also fully satisfies the demands from the company which needs to adapt itself to the changes from time to time. The aim of the company service architecture is to make the IT system become more flexible in order to respond and satisfy more quickly to the demands and the progress of the businesses. DCMS pays the attention and actively promotes the use of ERP products, which integrate the company’s outside and inside circumstances into a united platform for managing, guarantee that the integrating would go smoothly through the system opened service, and adapt the rapid changes of the company through the possibility of expansion, making the whole ERP system of the company stay at a stable, efficient and flexible condition, update with the progress, and achieve the ERP’s goal of changing with the currents.

The call center which Telesynergy makes for DCMS is based on this concept of Kingmax Semiconductor Inc. Through the call center, the company can promote the communication and connection with the customers, solve and answer customer’s questions during the process of integrating ERP system; at the same time, the system can make the company understand the new technology and current of promoting, expand the company’s use limit, depth and result of ERP system, and fulfill the development of ERP technology’s supporting the company. This can complete the ecological chain of ERP gradually and enrich the supports of the whole system platform to the ERP products. Apparently, the call center, which bears the modern company’s important concept, “the customer is the God,” is a necessary element of modernized company system administration, ERP.

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