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Location : Learn More About TeleContact >> Agent Features
Agent Feature
Reader Board Agents can view the call status for all the agent groups to which they belong. Real-time call information is displayed on the agents' console. The information includes the number of calls in queue, the maximum wait time for a call and the total number of calls handled or abandoned since the time the agent logged in.
Softphone Using the agent console, an agent can enable the headset mode. This enables the agent to use a headset and perform all phone operations by using the console. Agents can answer calls, transfer calls, hang up and perform all other call-related functions using the interface.
Screen Popup Information about incoming calls, such as calling number and customer details, is displayed in a pop up. Each time a call rings at an agent extension, the popup is displayed on the agent's desktop. This enables agent to handle calls better and improves call service quality.
Instant Messaging Agents can communicate with other agents or supervisors using the built-in messenger. Agents can send a message to multiple recipients at the same time.
Call Management Agents can transfer calls to another agent, agent group or an IVR plan. They can also include an internal or external third-party in a conversation to create a 3-way conference call. They can also place calls on hold.
Call Recording Agents can record a call that is in progress. The recorded call is saved as a .wav file, which can be retrieved when required.
Remote Login Agents can login remotely from any geographic location.
Call Scheduling Agents can schedule calls for call back at a specific time.A pop-up with the customer information reminds agents of scheduled calls.
Call Wrap Up Even after hanging up a call, agents can enter information about the call for future reference.
Call Queue Agents can maintain individual call queues which include calls that are on hold for them - the queue can include calls that agents parked for themselves or calls that other agents parked for them.
Calls History Agents can view details of previous incoming and outgoing calls.

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